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Corona Virus & Service

March 13, 2020

Dear Mt. Tahoma Church Member and Friend,

We are living in an unprecedented time. The spread of coronavirus is increasing day by day. Governor Inslee has issued a mandate that all churches, schools, and organizations cease gatherings of 250 or more people through the end of March to help contain the spread of the coronavirus.

As a church with fewer than 250 attending service, the public heath guidelines recommend in good faith if we wish to continue holding service, we do the following:

God willing, Mt. Tahoma Seventh-day Adventist Church will continue to hold service until it is not safe to do so. However, Saturday, March 14, 2020 we will have a condensed service. Instead of regular Sabbath School, Hope TV will be aired presenting Sabbath School U. This is designed to limit the interaction between members as we practice “Social Distancing”. Our Divine hour service will be greatly condensed to air a prayer and sermon for our online community.  We are asking all older and vulnerable individuals not to attend service until we receive public notice from our Health Authorities and Washington Conference Leadership that it is safe for you to attend church. This week, our church will begin a deep cleaning regiment throughout our property. Nonetheless, the business meeting scheduled for this Saturday evening as well as communion are postponed until further notice.

Moreover, as we continue to hold service, we will cooperate with collective public health actions to help protect the health and wellness of our members and communities.  Please pay close attention to www.mtsda.org as well as our Facebook page for further service updates. Together, we will stand strong in our faith, as we watch God see us through this trying time.  


Many Blessings,

Pastor Paul Smith

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