Sabbath School
Sabbath School classes are the heartbeat of our church community. Each week we spend time learning from Scripture and from each other. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced us to alter our Sabbath School Fellowship and offer it virtually as well as in person (HYBRID). We encourage you to join us in person Saturdays at 10 AM. For the adult lesson we currently broadcast our Sabbath School panel which reviews and discusses the current weeks lesson. For those of you who cannot attend but prefer to tune in from our YouTube or Facebook channels continue to do so. If you are looking for us on the internet look for Mt Tahoma SDA Church.
Our lower division has been slowly building back up for in person classes as well.
Our Youth meet at 10 am weekly. The youth are currently meeting at church and have discontinued the Hybrid option for now. In the event we should return to hybrid classes for our Youth, the link is:
Join Zoom Meeting Youth Sabbath School
Meeting ID: 971 9426 5763
Passcode: 572163
One tap mobile
Covid-19 and subsequent shutdown orders have forced an alteration to our worship and fellowship but it hasn't stopped it. We look forward to studying with you at Sabbath School.
This Quarters Adult Lesson
Sabbath School Lesson Link